Mobbing Seminar of the Dr. G. Kitzmann Academy

Bullying Seminar

Recognising and preventing bullying
Customer review of this event
Composition of the customer rating

Origin of the customer ratings

The evaluations of our seminars, webinars and workshops are given by the training participants. Following each training event, participants provide written feedback via a digital questionnaire. The customer testimonials mentioned on our website are also taken from these questionnaires.

Calculation of the overall evaluation

The total of eight evaluation criteria, which are collected by means of a questionnaire, result proportionately in the calculated overall evaluation.

I really enjoyed the working atmosphere of this training, the limited number of participants and the discussion of specific case studies.

I can rate this seminar VERY GOOD in every respect. The accompanying training materials are an excellent addition.

What I particularly liked about the training was that I could clearly work out my personal potential for improvement within this framework.

I would particularly like to emphasise the professional competence of the seminar trainer. The advertised training content was conveyed very well.

3 Cities
Seminar fee
1.290,00 EUR
(plus VAT)
  • Lunch/coffee breaks included
  • Comprehensive training documents
  • Learning objective check before the event
  • Implementation guarantee
Seminar language
Maximum number of participants
max. 9
Seminar times:
1. Day:
10:00 - 17:00
2. Day:
09:00 - 16:00
2 days
Course reference:
Seminar fee
1.290,00 EUR
(plus VAT)
  • Comprehensive training documents
  • Learning objectives test before the event
  • Implementation guarantee
  • Platform: Microsoft Teams
Seminar language
Maximum number of participants
max. 9
Seminar times:
1. Day:
10:00 - 17:00
2. Day:
09:00 - 16:00
2 days
Course reference:
Seminar fee
4.980,00 EUR (plus VAT and any travel expenses)
  • Individually adapted to your needs
  • On-site in presence or as live online training
  • Conducted on your preferred date
  • Save your time and travel costs
Course reference:

Description: Bullying Seminar

Bullying can take many forms. Harassment, insults, exclusion and coercion are among the most common bullying-type actions. But even unusually subtle methods such as silencing or ignoring the victim can have bullying-like effects. Those affected often feel helpless and left alone. The mobbing seminar teaches managers how to recognise acts of mobbing and what measures they can take to prevent them. In addition, you will learn how to deal with discrimination in the workplace and which options for action arise from it.

Contents: Mobbing Seminar

Conflict or bullying?

  • Differences between conflict situations and mobbing
  • Actors in the mobbing system
  • Distribution of roles and motives
  • Taking preventive measures

Recognising mobbing situations

  • Escalation phases and their significance
  • Analysis and diagnosis
  • Group dynamic processes

Confronting those involved

  • Talking with the bullied and the perpetrators
  • Possibilities of intervention in case of justification attempts on the part of the bullies
  • Adopting a zero-tolerance attitude
  • Developing solutions and strategies

Bullying against one's own person

  • Recognising signs
  • Clearly distinguish yourself from conflict situations
  • Exploring options

Contact points and legal framework

  • Awareness-raising work by the staff council among the workforce
  • Make company agreements
  • Legal assessment

Your benefit: Bullying seminar

Bullying in the workplace can have dramatic consequences for those affected and for the productivity of the company. In the bullying seminar, participants receive a comprehensive overview of bullying and its consequences as well as practical recommendations for implementing preventive measures.

  • In this seminar, we provide you with important knowledge about the topic itself and clearly distinguish between conflict and bullying
  • You will learn to develop bullying prevention strategies and to recognise cases of bullying in good time.
  • Our bullying seminar teaches you important aspects of professional communication so that supervisors can intervene actively and effectively.
  • In addition, the training can help you if you yourself have become a victim of bullying activities.
  • We inform you about the options available to victims of bullying and the contact points they can turn to, such as works council members, social workers or, depending on the case, the representative body for severely disabled employees.

Methodology and Didactics: Bullying Seminar

The contents of the bullying seminar are taught with the help of various methods. In addition to lectures and discussions, practical exercises, role plays and case discussions are used. In the course of this, the seminar participants benefit from the shared exchange of experiences. This creates a lively atmosphere in which the knowledge is effectively and comprehensively conveyed during the seminar days.

Target group of the bullying seminar

The seminar is primarily aimed at managers and employees with management responsibilities who want to learn more about the topic of mobbing and deepen their theoretical knowledge. In addition, however, all other employees and workers will benefit from our bullying seminar who would like to professionally intervene in an emergency.

Seminar dates & locations

09.09.2024 - 10.09.2024
Mon., 10:00 - 17:00
Tue., 09:00 - 16:00
21.11.2024 - 22.11.2024
Thu., 10:00 - 17:00
Fri., 09:00 - 16:00
16.12.2024 - 17.12.2024
Online training
Mon., 10:00 - 17:00
Tue., 09:00 - 16:00

Unfortunately, there are no events available for the combination of venues and the desired date.

Request the bullying seminar as in-house training

You would like to hold the bullying seminar in your company as an in-house seminar? That is of course possible. We will be happy to make you an individual and non-binding offer that meets your specific requirements. Simply send us an enquiry by e-mail to:

more recommendations for "Mobbing Seminar"

From the seminar Bullying: Conflict vs. bullying

Conflict and bullying are fundamentally different. Conflicts can be productive if both parties are interested in a solution. In contrast, bullying is a form of physical and psychological abuse, which in the worst case can be accompanied by mental illness. Furthermore, persistent exclusion and discrimination play a crucial role in bullying, while conflict situations are more temporary in nature. Mobbing in general is a serious problem that not only has far-reaching consequences for the victims, but also upsets the working atmosphere.

Ensure learning transfer with selected e-learnings

Bullying: the role of the works council

The Works Constitution Act (Betriebsverfassungsgesetz, BetrVG) provides that the works council can take action in cases of mobbing incidents. They have the right to get a picture of the situation and can have an investigation carried out if there is concrete suspicion. If members are convinced of bullying, they can issue a warning to the employer. If the employer is not prepared to intervene by taking steps under labour law against the person being bullied, such as terminating the employment relationship or transferring the employee, the council also has the option of resorting to the labour courts.

4 good reasons for attending the bullying seminar

Emotional and physical violence have no place in the workplace. The seminar will help you...

  1. ...recognise the background and the course of mobbing activities and take preventive measures in the workplace to avoid long-lasting stress.
  2. ...learn professional discussion techniques in order to be able to mediate professionally between the actors.
  3. learn about possibilities and consequences under labour law
  4. exchange professional views with other seminar participants and to develop joint solution strategies.

Further information on the seminar topic

Building resilience: Mastering crises with more resilience
Whether private strokes of fate, professional challenges or even exceptional global situations - no one is immune to…

Customer feedback on our bullying seminar

I really enjoyed the working atmosphere of this training, the limited number of participants and the discussion of specific case studies.

F. Nickel, UMG Klinikservice GmbH

I can rate this seminar VERY GOOD in every respect. The accompanying training materials are an excellent addition.

J. Bossek, City of Falkensee

What I particularly liked about the training was that I could clearly work out my personal potential for improvement within this framework.

J. Geist, Ziemann Cashservice GmbH

I would particularly like to emphasise the professional competence of the seminar trainer. The advertised training content was conveyed very well.

M. Rühlemann, Job Centre Halle